VU MBA Management sciences Projects

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VU MBA Management sciences Projects

Postby abdulsaboor » Wed May 20, 2015 4:01 pm

VU MBA Management sciences Projects are available on demand

1. Organizational climate and its relationship with employees motivation
2. Employees’ perception about organizational structure and its impact on
employee’s productivity: A comparative study of the organizations
3. Leadership Styles and Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of
Public and Private Organizations
4. Perceived level of commitment of top management regarding the TQM
5. A comparative study of leadership styles in public and private sector
6. A comparative study of organizational effectives in private and public sector
7. Decision making styles: A comparative study of organizations
8. Assessing and identifying the dominant organizational culture of organization
9. Determining whether organization is a learning organization?
10. Determining Employee’s Readiness/Resistance to Change
11. Leadership Styles and Motivation: Testing Hygiene Factors of Herzberg Theory
as Job Motivators.
12. Differences in Job Motivation among Female and Male Employees
13. Rewards OR Recognition as a Source of Motivation: An Analytical Study to find
which source is important for Employees
14. Organizational Diagnosis: A Case of XYZ organization.
15. What is the conflict management style of the organization: A perspective of
16. Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Problem Solving Skills
17. Top management Support in creating Learning Organizations
18. Assessing Knowledge Management Capability of organization
PHD Scholar at Superior University Lahore- Pakistan
MS Business Administration (HRM)
BS Business Administration (Marketing)
Member Editorial Board Science Publishing Group USA
Member Editorial Board International Journal of Marketing Studies

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