VU Final Projects are available for each specialization
1. Organizational climate and its relationship with employees motivation
2. Employees’ perception about organizational structure and its impact on
employee’s productivity: A comparative study of the organizations
3. Leadership Styles and Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of
Public and Private Organizations
4. Perceived level of commitment of top management regarding the TQM
5. A comparative study of leadership styles in public and private sector
6. A comparative study of organizational effectives in private and public sector
7. Decision making styles: A comparative study of organizations
8. Assessing and identifying the dominant organizational culture of organization
9. Determining whether organization is a learning organization?
10. Determining Employee’s Readiness/Resistance to Change
11. Leadership Styles and Motivation: Testing Hygiene Factors of Herzberg Theory
as Job Motivators.
12. Differences in Job Motivation among Female and Male Employees
13. Rewards OR Recognition as a Source of Motivation: An Analytical Study to find
which source is important for Employees
14. Organizational Diagnosis: A Case of XYZ organization.
15. What is the conflict management style of the organization: A perspective of
16. Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Problem Solving Skills
17. Top management Support in creating Learning Organizations
18. Assessing Knowledge Management Capability of organization